Thursday, January 13, 2011

She Was Only Nine...

Hello Listeners.

I'm sure you've all heard about the Tuscon, Arizona shootings by now. Anyway, despite the fact that all who died in this senseless tragedy lost their lives, the one victim that my heart still feels for would be the youngest one. Christina Taylor Green was nine years old, just on a visit to see government in action, when she was murdered by a man who would never hear about her dreams. She was killed by a man who didn't care about her future or her potential to do good in the world.

This isn't to belittle anyone else who was stolen from loved ones by this man. It's just...her story just makes my heart hurt just like the stories of those who lost their lives at Virginia Tech a few years ago.

One other thing that sticks out to me about all of this is the fame that the killer is getting. He has his own page on Wikipedia. He name now appears in Google searches automatically. People have probably seen his Youtube page more in the last month than in the last six. All he had to do was kill some people and put a woman in office in critical condition.

So, does that mean that if a person is too lazy to work towards fame, all they have to do is use a firearm so they can live in infamy?

It really isn't fair.

Her dreams are over, and his imfamy is just beginning.

It really breaks my heart, and my thoughts and prayers are with her family. Maybe one thing to remember is that loss is a reminder of how important life is. The people you see; the music you listen to; the things in life that make you happy and joyous can't be taken for granted. So, live your life with purpose and reason
If for no other reason, do it because Christina can't.

Keeping the Faith and Keeping it Real,


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